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豪手感火燙 命中率超過五成
Apr 7th 2014, 05:22

ETtoday – 


休士頓火箭主控比佛利(Patrick Beverley)上個月不慎弄傷右膝半月板,由「豪小子」緊急補上先發位置,前4戰他平均能砍下12.5分,不過命中率僅3成,他終於在7日對戰金塊一役找回火燙手感,12投7中攻下19分、5助攻,延長賽還有一次相當關鍵的助攻,繳出重返先發後的最佳表現。


第三節前4分多鐘,火箭進攻當機,也是靠「豪小子」和「土耳其長人」艾西克(Omer Asik)在籃下搶分撐場,不過金塊單節狂掃36分,仍在此節終了前將比數扳平;末節最後3分鐘,火箭反倒落後8分,此時林書豪積極突破禁區,造成對手犯規,穩穩罰進4球,加上一哥哈登(James Harden)連砍7分,包括最後7.1秒的「救命三分」,將戰局逼進延長賽。

雖然「豪小子」在延長賽沒有任何分數進帳,不過比賽最後2分57秒,火箭還落後1分,他傳出個人第5次助攻給在三分外線的射手賈西亞(Francisco Garcia),這一記三分讓火箭重新取得領先,也振奮了球隊士氣,接著「高富帥」帕森斯(Chandler Parsons)連飆2顆三分彈,鎖定了勝局。


Houston Rockets guard Jeremy Lin looks to pass after stealing the ball from Denver Nuggets guard Aaron Brooks during an NBA basketball game in Houston on Sunday, April 6, 2014. The Rockets won the ... 較多 
Houston Rockets guard Jeremy Lin looks to pass after stealing the ball from Denver Nuggets guard Aaron Brooks during an NBA basketball game in Houston on Sunday, April 6, 2014. The Rockets won the game 130-125 in overtime. (AP Photo/Richard Carson) 較少 

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