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快艇老闆疑種族歧視 引爆眾怒
Apr 27th 2014, 02:05

法新社 – 

(法新社洛杉磯26日電) 美國職籃NBA洛杉磯快艇老闆史特林(Donald Sterling)據稱發表種族歧視言論,錄音今天曝光,「小皇帝」詹姆斯、「小飛俠」布萊恩(Kobe Bryant)等球星都表示憤怒。



邁阿密熱火巨星詹姆斯(LeBron James)說:「我們的聯盟容不下史特林。」「我想不出他的腦袋是怎麼想的。」



快艇展開練習前,為了這件事召開球隊會議,身為黑人的總教練瑞佛斯(Glenn "Doc" Rivers)說:「我們都很難過。沒有人對這種狀況感到高興。」

瑞佛斯說:「我們不會用有色眼鏡看待彼此。沒有人對這件事感到開心。(白人射手)瑞迪克(J.J.Redick)和(黑人球員)保羅(Chris Paul)一樣生氣。」(譯者:中央社樂羽嘉)

Dallas Mavericks guard Jose Calderon (8) of Spain, drives against San Antonio Spurs guard Tony Parker (9) of France, during the first half in Game 3 in the first round of the NBA basketball playoffs ... 較多 
Dallas Mavericks guard Jose Calderon (8) of Spain, drives against San Antonio Spurs guard Tony Parker (9) of France, during the first half in Game 3 in the first round of the NBA basketball playoffs in Dallas, Saturday, April 26, 2014. (AP Photo/LM Otero) 較少 

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