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時機敏感 KD傳為代言退隊
Aug 8th 2014, 04:03

ETtoday – 


繼日前失去因傷報銷的喬治(Paul George)後,美國男籃8日再度少了一員最重要的得分主力「雷帝」杜蘭特(Kevin Durant)。KD在今日正式發表聲明指出,「由於個人身心俱疲,因此遺憾作了退出美國男籃的決定。」這也代表著杜蘭特將不會隨隊前往西班牙世界盃男籃賽,此舉對美國男籃的金牌之路,無疑是一大重挫。


對此美國籃協主席柯蘭傑羅(Jerry Colangelo)表示,「杜蘭特和K教練與我在下午進行了討論,KD表示自己在身體與心態上都感到筋疲力盡,因此作出退隊決定。」



此舉無疑「重創」了夢幻隊在本屆西班牙世界盃男籃賽的奪金計劃,失去陣中頭號球星杜蘭特,加上先前包括喬治、洛夫(Kevin Love)、葛瑞芬(Blake Griffin)等重點球星相繼退出集訓,美國男籃在世界盃能否完成奪冠目標,此時此刻肯定被打上大大問號。


Oklahoma City Thunder forward Kevin Durant poses for a photo holding the MVP trophy following a news conference announcing him as the winner of the 2013-14 Kia NBA Basketball Most Value Player Award ... 較多 
Oklahoma City Thunder forward Kevin Durant poses for a photo holding the MVP trophy following a news conference announcing him as the winner of the 2013-14 Kia NBA Basketball Most Value Player Award in Oklahoma City, Tuesday, May 6, 2014. Durant spoke at a rally of fans outside the news conference. (AP Photo/Sue Ogrocki) 較少 

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